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Please don’t think I have listed all these recommendations to boast, I boast only of Christ and all he has done for me. However some pastors are reluctant to share their pulpit, especially if they have no knowledge of the speaker, which is understandable. My aim is to reassure you of my ministry by recommendations from many Church Leaders of various denominations. Roger
Roger spoke at one of my church’s men’s events and we were inspired, challenged and motivated by God’s testimony through him. He was engaging, humble and funny throughout and was a genuine blessing to be around before, during and after the event; thank you Roger!
Isaac Acquah Rayliegh Baptist Church, Essex
“Of all the speakers we have welcomed to our recent Men’s Breakfasts, the one at which Roger gave his testimony is the one that has had the most impact. Many of those who attend our Breakfasts are on the fringe of the church or right outside, but they come and enjoy the meal and listen to the talk. They don’t like being preached at and Roger’s relaxed, informal style of delivery was much appreciated. The men were all very moved and listened intently as he shared how his wife’s accident had been instrumental in leading him to Christ and what a difference having Jesus in his life has made. It was such a success that we invited him back to share, this time about his life as a Christian policeman, at our monthly fellowship meeting which is attended by church goers.”
Revd Geoff Davis
North Downs Area Dean (Canterbury Diocese)
“Please accept our grateful thanks for being our speaker at the Men’s breakfast on Saturday 10th March.
Three gentleman that do not know Jesus personally now want to know more and I believe that many more were challenged by what you said. We will come back to you in the future as there have been many requests to hear more of your experiences in the police force.
I hope that this gives you encouragement, may God continue to richly bless you and your family. Thank you again in Jesus’ name. Yours in Christ” Alan Parker
Breakfast Bar Ministries/Churches together Rochford.
“I have known Evangelist Roger and his wife Maggi for the past twelve years. My family and I first met Roger and Maggi in Summer of 1989 when we all served on staff at a Scripture Union Beach Mission in Overstrand, England. For the two weeks that we spent together on staff, Roger’s passion for the lost, commitment to prayer and his love for God were made evident.
Roger’s ministry has not blessed only me and my family, but also the many individuals, churches, and groups to whom he has ministered over the years. Since we moved to the United States, Roger and his wife have visited us twice. Their first visit was in the Summer of 1994. During that time Roger shared his testimony in three different churches. The people who attended these meetings were moved by Roger’s testimony. Weeks later, after Roger returned to England, some of those who were in the meetings told me that they rededicated their lives to God as a result of Roger’s ministry to them. Roger also had the opportunity of helping some of our Bible college students who were struggling spiritually.
Roger’s second visit was in 1998. During this time, Roger shared his testimony in three different churches. He also ministered to some of our Seminary students on a personal level. Roger has a great testimony that I think every Christian needs to hear. He is a man of God who believes in the power of prayers.
I have no hesitation in recommending Roger to churches or groups that are in need of a speaker.
Yours in His service,”
Joe A. Lieway
Campus Pastor,
Christian Student Foundation,
Ball States University
“Dear Roger,
I did not get the opportunity to properly thank you for last night. I thought your talk was very well balanced for our group. I appreciated the way you interspersed your story with apt Christian advice and Comment often put in a humorous but nevertheless telling manner. For instance ” Don’t sit on the fence guys, you may get splinters in your backside”. This approach helped to avoid Christian speak which can often turn men off.
Mark and I were both agreed that the challenge you put out was very apt for our group. I sometimes wonder whether we make it challenging enough but on the other hand the men do still come!
I believe your ministry as we heard it to be very appropriate to non Christian men and those on the periphery and trust God will continue to bless you in your calling. Thank you Roger once again, I felt your message really got through to the men, we shall see!
Best wishes and God Bless” Ian Cheal, St. Andrew’s Ferring
“I have known Roger & Maggie Whipp for a good number of years. Maggie was a member of our congregation before she had her near-fatal accident, whilst Roger was an unbelieving policeman. But Maggie’s miraculous recovery soon changed all that. Now Roger & Maggie have a tremendous testimony to share, and I have no hesitation in recommending that you invite them to your church or fellowship.” Rev. Cannon John H Williams, Forest Gate UK
“Roger came to speak to Ashtead Churches Men’s Group on 16 February. He inspired us with his interesting testimony and talk of his wife’s crash. Many will remember his talk well and it also encouraged some challenging questions after. It particularly spoke to a man who had lost his wife over the previous year or so.
Many Thanks,”
David Sansom
“From the Men’s Ministry team at Ockley,Okewood & Forest Green ,Surrey
“A moving and inspiring testimony about the power of God to heal and change today as much today as 2000 years ago.Thank you Roger (and of course,indirectly, Maggie) for speaking to our Men’s breakfast and providing such a “down to earth” but nevertheless powerful and inspiring witness. We have no hesitation in recommending you as a speaker to other Christian groups especially to audiences of the unchurched/sceptics.”
Barry Thomson
“This is to thank you very much indeed for being the Guest Speaker at our Men’s Breakfast yesterday. I personally enjoyed your talk very much; you have a very natural way of telling your story which obviously engages readily with other men. I have also had very positive feedback on your talk from a number of the other men who attended.” Jeremy Bamber, Lewes CVM Men’s Group.