Here are some of the Biblical sites I have been privileged to visit. Starting with The Holy Lands then places Paul visited and other important places. I would encourage you to visit some of these places as it has added a new dimension and helped my understanding as I read scriptures.
Around 1000 BC, En Gedi served as one of the main places
of refuge for David as he fled from Saul. David
“dwelt in strongholds at En Gedi” (1 Sam 23:29).
The Tomb of Lazarus where Jesus raised him from the dead.
Roger reaffirming his baptismal vows in River Jordon
The Wailing (Western) Wall Jerusalem
Part of the route Jesus took carrying his cross
Site of The Upper Room where Jesus took the Last Supper
The Mount of Olives where Jesus spent much time
Site where Jesus spent night jailed prior to Crucifixion
Jerusalem as viewed from Mount of Olives
Healing pool of Siloam Jerusalem
Golden Gate through which Jesus rode Palm Sunday.
Now blocked up by the Jews to prevent such a recurrence!
Spot where Jesus cooked fish after his resurrection
The Garden Tomb possible site of Jesus burial
Outside Ciaiphas House where Jesus taken the night before Crucifixion
The Shepherd’s Fields Bethlehem
Venerated place of Jesus birth Bethlehem
Venerated place of Calvary inside the Church of The Holy Scepcular.
Inside the church is a rocky outcropping which is the traditional place
where the cross was placed. Archaeological excavations have demonstrated
that this site was outside the city but close to one of its gates and thus
would have been a good location for a crucifixion.
The Temple Mount Jerusalem
Quamran where The Dead Sea Scrolls were found
Paul’s Second Missionary Journey
Phillipi jail where Paul was imprisioned
Phillipi ruins
Here Paul met a group of women to whom he preached the gospel.
Lydia, a merchant trading purple cloth, believed Paul’s message and
was baptized with members of her household. Subsequently Paul went and lived at her home.
Neapolis where Paul visited Acts 16 v11 before going to Phillipi
Berea as mentioned in Acts 17 v10
Modern day Thessalonica as mentioned in Acts 17 v1
Meteoria where Paul passed through on route to Athens
Mars Hill Athens where Paul stood and preached Acts 17 v19
Ruins of Corinth Acts 18
Judgement Seat Corinth where Paul rebuked the Corinthians
Ephesus where Paul stayed several years
Ephesus Roman Theatre
Lindos, Rhodes where Paul probably sailed from Acts 21 v1 (third missionary trip)
Lindos Bay
Patmos where John was exciled and wrote Revelations